Create ads that sell

Data-driven insights for marketing messaging


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In today's boom of e-commerce, PPC specialists must constantly analyse marketing performance from multiple sources. However, last-click attribution analytics does not demonstrate the long-term marketing impact, which leaves marketing professionals struggling to extract meaningful insights.

AdCatch integrates with advertising and sales channels to find main conversion drivers


For Brands

Track customer’s attention across multiple sales channels and apply the findings to your next marketing campaign

FOR Sellers

Uncover insights from every aspect of your campaigns by tracking ad formats, messaging, devices, locations, time, audience, goals, keywords, bidding strategies, attribution models, conversions and much more.

FOR agencies

Empower clients with real-time insights and strengthen your agency-client relationship with transparent marketing

Beyond last-click attribution

Adcatch analyses historical data and determines the actual impact of every digital touch-point.

Engagement Rate

Engagement Rate

Discover insights
on marketing performance:

  • how advertising affects your sales
  • how price change correlates with sales
  • how to out-stand your competitors
  • which materials catching customer's eyes
  • what descriptions the most engaging
  • what keywords generate the highest searchability
and many more e-commerce insights straight from the box

All marketing campaigns in one place

Seamlessly collect data from diverse sources and transform complex data into clear and insightful reports.
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Hassle free automated process

Send customised reports to your or client’s team

Compare with planned KPIs

Easily add planned performance and track effectiveness continuously

Eliminate wasteful ad spend

Reveal the most effective ads, best-selling periods and best-matching audience

Advanced audience segmentation

Break up your audience based on various criteria, such as demographics, interests, and behavior, to gain deeper insights and deliver more relevant messaging.





